Minifig Beauty Pageant


Hi all! I am just getting off my BrickCon high. It was a great weekend full of cool MOCs,
lots of people, and tons of fun! Although I will do a more in-depth BrickCon post later on, I wanted to share something from the first day of events.

You can see more images at Brothers Brick

You can see more images at Brothers Brick

As I am sure that most of you are aware, its been posted on many other blogs and forums all over the net, during the Opening Ceremonies of BrickCon 08 the LEGO Group representatives announced a brand new set — 10193 Medieval Village! Seeing this set in person, it was hard not to drool over all the cool elements including for the first time in about 20 years — the whole turkey!!!! Just that alone will make sales of this little jem of a model go through the roof. But the entire model with all its wonderful features makes this a definite buy when it becomes available in January.

I also wanted to share with you some of the images from the “Minifig Beauty Pageant” that was held by the LEGO Group during the ceremonies. Noting the fact that LEGO is generally geared towards boys, they asked 15 women to come up front and gave us each a female Minifig to “walk the cat-walk” and have every one judge which one they liked the best.

The first few were in already available sets, but most of them were for as yet released sets. One of the figures was even called the “Mystery figure from a Unreleased Mystery Theme” that was a girl in a sparkly top. The figure I was given to display (and yes, we did get to keep our figures) was Asoka from the new Star Wars Clone Troopers sets.

I wasn’t able to get pictures of all the figures, but I did manage to take pic of these three figures:

Pirate Girl and Peasent Girl 2 (Check out the new Fish element)

Pirate Girl and Peasent Girl 2 (Check out the new Fish element)

A "real" Mermaid!

I am really excited about all these new figures, especially the Mermaid! The “winner” of the Beauty Pageant was the new Troll Hag from Castle. Who knows what exciting sets these figures will be in. 😉

4 Responses to “Minifig Beauty Pageant”

  1. Dano Says:

    Oh sweet, I’ve been wanting a female head with an eyepatch for a while now. I most definitely need a job.

  2. BrickCon 2008: Andrew’s wrap-up | The Brothers Brick | LEGO Blog Says:

    […] Read about the “Minifig Beauty Pageant” on Model Building Secrets. […]

  3. Chris Says:

    YES! Female fig with eye patch! What set will that be in? I Already tried to make Kill Bill figures, but the Mad Eye Moody head just doesn’t do it.

  4. modelbuildingsecrets Says:

    I don’t know which set exactly it will be in, but since the name of the Minifig is Pirate Girl, I assume it will be in the new Pirates sets that are coming out next year

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