Messy Builder


Are you a messy builder? I know I am.

Messy Builder

In fact when I was working at the Model Shop they continually complained about how messy I was. As you can see, my current WIP is no exception. I’m just as messy now as I was then. It may seem like chaos but this is just part of my method. πŸ˜€

The model, which you can see in the upper right hand corner, kind of emerges from this chaos of bricks, bags and containers.

That isn’t to say that I don’t clean up. I had to take a few moments (okay, more than a few) today to tidy up. πŸ˜‰

I had gotten just a little too messy, even for me. Also, I needed to take some progress photos, which I will eventually post to Flickr. I like to take progress photos so that I know how my model is coming along and where I started.

What’s really ironic is that its like I have two sides to my personality. My artistic side is very organic and messy, so I know I’m very much in my right brain when I’m very messy. My logical side is almost OCD in organization. I keep all of my LEGO elements sorted by brick and color in lots of containers, drawers, and bags. So when I’m sorting I know I’m in my left brain.

So what about you? Do you build messy or organized? What does your LEGO space look like when you build? There’s no right or wrong way to build, what’s important is that you build. πŸ˜‰

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12 Responses to “Messy Builder”

  1. Michael Lynn Says:

    I live in a 500 sq ft studio with my wife, so a project left out is a project that takes over the house. Because of this, there are some strict rules about projects (Lego or otherwise). This has trained me fairly effectively in taking out just enough to work for a few hours, and then put the supplies back – leaving out the actual WIP is about all that is possible on a given day. While it can be annoying, it’s still a process I’d love to keep once I have a separate work area.

  2. Andrew M. Says:

    I’m super messy, I fill up my 8 x 8 ft table when I build. But I do clean it up!

  3. Chris Hettinger Says:

    “What’s really ironic is that its like I have two sides to my personality. My artistic side is very organic and messy, so I know I’m very much in my right brain when I’m very messy. My logical side is almost OCD in organization.”

    I am 100% the same way … I design and solve the problems in a mess of bricks, trying something, disassembling and trying again. But before a new project starts, the table gets cleaned and organized again. At least the loose stuff get put into a bucket for later sorting.

    When setting up my area I was very OCD about the way I did it, what bins I used… well, I’m sure you know.

    So, yeah I’m a messy builder too!

    I also want to concept in a single consistent color (or palette if I have to mix) … rainbow stage of building bugs me πŸ˜‰

  4. TheBrickBlogger Says:

    Nice post! Thanks for sharing! I do all my LEGO-building on the floor, so yeah, it can get messy. But I’m also very organized for sorting and storage.

    The thing is I don’t like to be messy. I know it is part of the creative process, but once it gets too out of hand it starts to bother me and my creative-side shuts down. Then the organizer-side comes in and reorganizes everything.

    I actually found a method that works really well for me; I use storage drawers for all my LEGO parts and this space is very organized, and when I start building I just lay out one of those round drawstring LEGO playmats and build on that.

    When it is time to clean up or put the project to the side, I just pull the mat together and hang it up. This way I can be neat and messy at the same time. πŸ˜‰

  5. Katie Says:

    My building space is the kitchen table, so I have to clean it up all the time. I don’t get to be too messy. I do have a couple tupperware tubs (i.e. the kind you keep leftovers in) that I’ll sweep my loose pieces into so that I don’t have to resort every last piece each time I clean up (3+ times a day). But if one of those gets full, then I find that I can’t think anymore because of all the loose unsorted pieces and have to resort it again into the proper containers.

    So I guess I’m rather neat and tidy. πŸ˜‰

  6. Katie Says:

    That was “re-sort”, not “resort”… but it won’t let me edit. πŸ˜‰

  7. Katie Says:

    Sorry to keep posting, but I took a picture to show what I meant, if you’re interested:


  8. Chris Hettinger Says:

    Thanks Katie πŸ˜‰ I love your patterns, especially the Floral one. Nice work.

  9. Mariann Asanuma Says:

    That’s okay Katie, I don’t mind πŸ˜‰

  10. kennymatic Says:

    My build area (the floor) looked like a total disaster whenever I did a vignette for my weekly LEGO photo. Usually it would take just as long to re-sort after I was done.

  11. Andy Says:

    I like the look of your little yellow storage bins. There just what I need. Can I ask where you got them from?

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