Posts Tagged ‘Comicon’

Newest Mosaic — Emerald City Comicon Logo

February 23, 2013

So you’ve probably noticed I have been absent for the past week. But as there is a little less than a week till the Emerald City Comicon (ECCC) and two weeks till BricksCascade, I’ve been very, very busy getting ready for both shows stocking up on hundreds of keychains, necklaces, etc.

I also wanted to create something specifically for ECCC. And what better than the ECCC logo?

ECCC logo mosaic

As always with my mosaics I incorporated a lot of tricks to get just the look I wanted and even invented a few new ones. πŸ˜‰

If you look at the close ups, you can see parts that are upside-down and sideways

ECCC logo mosaic close up

ECCC logo mosaic close up

And though it looks like they are just stuck on, the letters do have at least one connection point. Now since this is not glued, the letters also have some double stick tape to make sure they keep in place. Especially as I travel — handy tip, double stick tape is your friend. πŸ˜€

Of course I will be bubble wrapping this tightly as well. πŸ˜‰

For those that are wondering, the mosaic is 2 x 2 ft square. So not on the small side. And it took me about a week to design and build.

I also came up with another Doctor Who design — his ever present sonic screwdriver.

Blue Sonic Screwdriver Necklace

LEGO Green Sonic Screwdriver Earrings

Since they revived the show there have been two variations — a blue one and a green one. Now they of course do look more different than just the tips, but when you are going for one that is only an inch long you can only do so much. For those who can’t make it to either show they are available online at my Folded Fancy Creations Etsy shop.

I find it somewhat ironic that a lightsaber handle is used for the design. Who knows, maybe the Doctor is also a Jedi. 😎

Wil Weaton signing a model of Wil Weaton…

April 2, 2012

Although some people are into April Fool’s jokes, I’m not one of them. So I avoid the silliness all together. I did however post this on my Facebook page yesterday. I would have posted it here too, but Iain Heath hadn’t posted it on Flickr yet. πŸ˜€

While I was hanging out with the guys of FBTB, SandLUG, and LUGOLA at LEGOLAND California Star Wars Days, Iain and the rest of SeaLUG was at Emerald City Comicon in Seattle.

I will be posting a follow up to Star Wars Days, but until then check this out.

Since Iain is Iain (you have to know him, or at least his models, to understand that one πŸ˜‰ ) he created a LEGO model of Wil Weaton signing a LEGO model of himself and then he had the actual Wil Weaton sign it. Its so meta, it almost blows my mind! πŸ˜€
Lego model of Wil Wheaton signing a Lego model of Wil Wheaton ...actually being signed by Wil Wheaton!

Here’s a close up of the model
Wil Wheaton signing (front)

Of course there were other, much larger, models on display. I know Scott Fowler’s MOC certainly deserves its own post. But I’ll be visiting those another day. For now, live long and prosper! — Hey, I had to get a Star Trek reference in there somewhere!