Posts Tagged ‘Star Wars Convention’

Kevin Chen as R2-D2

October 25, 2010

Kevin Chen as R2-D2 (Front)

LEGO Purists, especially Star Wars Fans, might cringe at the brick modification on this model, but I found Morgan190’s entry in the Eurobricks’ “Let’s Go Cosplay” Contest adorable. πŸ™‚

Kevin’s costume was constructed by first hollowing out R2’s head and body pieces with various tools including an xacto knife and electric drill– I would’ve used a dremel if I had one. I cut the studs off the top of the droid torso and drilled a hole for the minifig’s head to fit into. Because the holes in the side of the body are too large for a minifig’s arm pegs, I trimmed a toothpick down to the right size and attached both arms to it, allowing them to remain attached to the body while maintaining their full range of movement.

Kevin Chen as R2-D2 (Back)

Kevin Chen, rookie cosplayer and avid R2 fan, is on his way to his very first Star Wars convention!

This is the overall vignette shot showing Kevin Chen in his R2 costume, waiting on the subway platform.

Kevin Chen as R2-D2 (Vignette with figure)

Okay, so it is modified, but at the same time it looks great! And who hasn’t seen some one dress like that for Halloween? πŸ˜€