Posts Tagged ‘Maersk’

LEGO Maersk Train 10219 Video

February 24, 2011

Check out a video with the creator of the new Maersk Train set.


Even though I’m not really that big into trains, I’m certainly looking forward to all the new Maersk elements available. πŸ™‚

Also, if you want to see detailed images of the new set check out

If you love Maersk you’ll love this

January 23, 2011

For those in the know Maersk is a worldwide shipping company based out of Denmark. But for LEGO fans Maersk has an entirely different meaning.

Maersk is a rather rare and hard to get color, made in only a small amount of parts in half a dozen or so sets based off the actual Maersk shipping trucks and container ships. It was also made in a larger selection of bricks for the Model Shops, an exception to the “you can get all these parts yourself” rule that is always claimed.

The shipping container seen above has been released twice, once in 2004 and then again last year with only a few minor changes other than packaging and the sticker sheet. It is currently available at LEGO Shop at Home. Up until now it was the only Maersk set that has been commercially available to most LEGO consumers, all previous sets were only available through promotional release. That however, is about to change . . . πŸ˜‰

Introducing the 10219 Maersk Container Train!
Update: Apparently LEGO took the image off its website.

Although very little is known at this time about the set, it does have a five digit set number and the image itself is directly from leading me to suspect this will also be available to the general public. Looking closely at the image there are a lot of very cool elements new to the color and I know all the Maersk lovers out there will be drooling over this set.

Thanks to for tipping me off to this. πŸ™‚

Stickers are for wimps

May 27, 2010

That’s whatL.D.M.’s photo description says for this image:

For those of you who don’t know Maersk is a shipping company out of Denmark. 2004 was the one an only time that there was a Maersk Sealand cargo ship widely available but the history of the LEGO/Maersk partnership goes back decades.

LEGO Maersk blue is one of those rarer element colors that until the Sealand set could only be used in quantity by the LEGO Model Shops (the Washington DC Capital Building for example). As most of the sets were not commercially available and in smaller production, Maersk bricks can range from less than a dollar to hundreds of dollars on Bricklink.

What is ironic is that although L.D.M.’s model reference’s Maersk, the bricks he used to make the distinctive logo are not in fact Maersk blue. Instead he used Medium Blue cheese slopes that at the moment are only available in one set. πŸ˜‰

Regardless of what colors he used or what its for, L.D.M.’s model is a great example of using cheese slopes in a LEGO mosaic model. πŸ˜€

Wyland Mosaic

November 18, 2008

I made this little mosaic a few years ago when I was still at LEGOLAND. It was actually made for Wyland, the artist that does all those ocean paintings.

Wyland mosaic

The really tricky thing was getting the right look since Wyland uses dozens of different shades of blue to paint a majority of his pictures. That is why I settled on doing this image. It uses 5 shades of blue: sand blue, medium blue, blue, dark blue, and Maersk blue. I’m sure a lot of you are shocked that I’d use Maersk but in the Model Shop we had a pretty nice supply in a lot of different shapes. I also used white and clear bricks.

And here’s a Model Building Tip for you: Generally when I am doing a mosaic, especially when it is small like this one, I have to simplify the image and take away some of the details without losing the general look. Trying to do all the lines or shadings is almost impossible at this size, so you have to pick and choose what you keep in and what you take out. Sometimes that is easier to say than do. πŸ˜‰