Posts Tagged ‘Bride and Groom’

Bride and Groom LEGO Set

September 15, 2011

Today during my trip to LEGOLAND I found a new set on the shelves. Although not as personalized as the Wedding Cake Toppers I design, this new LEGO set is still fun. πŸ˜‰


Now at $10 for the set, its a little pricey for the part count — 40 Β’ a piece. But for those looking for a minifig bride and groom, that is exactly what you get.


There isn’t much to the set, but here’s what you get.


I was actually surprised that they included the paper flower arch. I thought it was just a drawing on the box. I would have rather had a LEGO one though. The fabric veil is a little tricky to put in, but it works okay.

The dress torso also has back printing, but unfortunately my picture isn’t the best. I’ll try and take a better one soon.

There is one upside, they include three different colors of the hair — the blond color appears for the first and only (so far) time in this set.

I have to admit that’s why I got the set, the printed white dress and the hair elements. πŸ˜€

On a completely different note, there are also LEGO Crocs for kids (no adults unfortunately 😦 )


They are pretty cute. I forgot to look at the price, sorry about that.

So, my guess is that if the Bride and Groom set is showing up at LEGOLAND it will start showing up at all LEGO stores soon. As for the Crocs shoes, who knows.

Darth Vader and Amidala Wedding Cake Topper

August 27, 2011

The words Darth Vader, flowers, and wedding don’t often come together, but in this instance they make perfect sense. πŸ™‚

On the heels of my earlier Star Wars Wedding Cake Topper, or more accurately because of it, I was asked to create the iconic symbol of the Dark Side Darth Vader and his lovely bride Queen Amidala standing in a field of flowers.

Vader and Amidala on Flower Patch 1a

Okay, so Anakin married Amidala before he became Lord Vader, but heck Vader’s cooler than Anakin any day. πŸ˜€

I really wish the picture showed Vader better, but I still don’t know how to properly capture a black model. Even with extra lighting, it still mainly looks like a lot of black and you can’t see all the very cool details.

Vader and Amidala on Flower Patch 2

Even so, I can say that I’m much happier with my version versus the official on that is on display at LEGOLAND California


Although I have to admit I didn’t design the Vader helmet, that credit goes to my brother Mike Asanuma who also made the Stormtrooper helmet. He made both quite a while ago, and then challenged me to make the bodies. It just took me a while, and a request from clients, to get around to it. πŸ˜‰

Two New Wedding Cake Toppers

July 14, 2010

A few months ago I started selling Wedding Cake Toppers on my Etsy shop Folded Fancy. Well just a little while ago I added a couple of additional cake toppers to my store.

Bride and Groom with flower patch 1

Bride and Groom with Arch 1

The first one was requested by a customer. The second one I had been thinking of making but hadn’t gotten around to until now.

Bride and Groom with Arch 4

Some people on Flickr have contested that the arch design is “illegal” in building rules. From what I understand in set design sticking a LEGO plate between two knobs isn’t allowed, but when it comes to Miniland model building such rules don’t apply. Pretty much the only rule is it has to be able to be done without glue — in other words not “cheating.” πŸ˜‰

I’m pretty happy with the results and as I’ve already sold 2 of the Flower Patch one, I think others are pretty happy with them too. πŸ™‚